Why use Shower Side Panels in the Bathroom?

In the shower, we extensively use side panels in modern bathrooms to enhance the luxury look and prevent water splashes. We make the shower side panels with glass are necessary for the walk-in shower enclosures and baths or any shower areas. Homeowners prefer shower side panels because they need less space than shower enclosures. 

Shower side panels

In case you are interested in knowing more about shower side panels, you can continue reading this article as we have discussed the advantages of shower side panels.

Great for Modern Bathrooms

Although shower enclosures are trendy, shower side panels are equally popular. Especially if you want a cleaner look for your shower area, don't want to install a shower enclosure due to lack of space. Even if you have a shower bathtub, it is essential for keeping water splashing inside. So, depending on the size and install, a shower side panel is necessary for a modern bathroom. 

Prevent Water Splashes 

A shower side panel's major function is to prevent water splashes from getting out of the shower area. It may be a walk-in shower where it becomes even more important, perhaps you cannot even think of installing a walk-in shower without one or two side shower panels. Second, if you have a shower bathtub used for both bath and shower purposes, then a side panel would be an impressive addition to it as it will not let the water go out to create a problem for the dry area. 

Easy to clean and maintain 

We all have a busy schedule and rarely find time for household chores. Cleaning always feels like a tedious job. A shower enclosure may be hard to clean. But shower side panels are easier to clean and take little time. All you need is to wash it with water and wipe it down with soft cloth or tissue papers. How many times a week you should clean it depends on usage. However, it would help if you aimed for cleaning it at least 2 to 3 times a week. If you maintain it properly, there will never be mould and mildew. 

Saves Bathroom Space

We are usually short of space in the Bathrooms and always try to install bathroom accessories compact and cover less space. It may also be the reason to avoid a shower enclosure. You can solve this problem by installing a shower side panel covering significantly less space. Another benefit of a shower panel is that your bathroom looks spacious even after installing it. That is because it’s not blocking your sight because of the glass wall. Using clear glass will make your bathroom look bigger than it is. 

Placement and Layout Design Flexibility

 A corner is a usual place for installing a shower in the bathroom. But it is not always possible that you have a corner available where you can shower enclosures. It's where a shower side panel helps you.  A shower side panel is flexible in that allows you to fix a shower with any wall. You may even install a shower panel with a door to seal it. It will prevent any water from leakage from the shower area. If you want to use shower side panels with a door, the best option will be to install glass panels on both sides and a door on the third to turn it into a fully enclosed shower area. 

Shower Side Panels at Royal Bathrooms UK

Shower side panels are an important accessory in the bathroom as it not only prevents water splash out but also looks aesthetically beautiful. The shower panel is essential for shower bathtubs and specific bathroom configurations where your shower area is not in the corners. You want to convert any place in the shower area. You may also need it for a walk-in shower where it can prevent water splashes. We have an extensive range of shower side panels ranging from 650,750 and 850 mm.


  1. When it comes to shower enclosures, the possibilities seem almost endless. Shower enclosures come in so many different styles and sizes, ranging from elegant frameless open-ended walk-ins to huge space saving cubicle enclosures, meaning you will have no problem finding one that suits your personal bathroom. The wide range of available shower enclosures is also a great opportunity for you to make your bathroom design dreams come true, regardless of whether you want a minimalist, traditional, or exotic bathroom design. With so many different types of shower enclosures on the market, you should easily be able to find one that fits your very own personal showering needs. Get More Informtion shower enclosures

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